Christine Kirkpatrick

University of California San Diego

Conference theme:

Dimensions of Data-centric AI: FAIR and Machine Learning, AI Reproducibility, and AI Readiness.

Speaker biography:

Christine Kirkpatrick leads the San Diego Supercomputer Center’s (SDSC) Research Data Services division, which manages large-scale infrastructure, networking, and services for research projects of regional and national scope. Her research is in data-centric AI, working at the intersection of ML and FAIR, with a focus on making AI more efficient to save on power consumption and 'time to science'. Kirkpatrick serves as PI of the FAIR in ML, AI Readiness & Reproducibility RCN which focuses on promoting better practices for AI, improving reproducibility, and exploring research gaps in data-centric AI. In addition, Kirkpatrick is PI of the EarthCube Office (ECO), founded the GO FAIR US Office, is PI of the West Big Data Innovation Hub, is on the Executive Committee for the Open Storage Network, and Co-PI of the NSF-funded Transboundary Groundwater Resiliency Research (TGRR) network. Christine serves as a member for The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on their Board on Research Data and Information (BRDI) to improve the stewardship, policy and use of digital data and information for science and the broader society. She serves as the Secretary General of the International Science Council's Committee on Data (CODATA), co-Chairs the FAIR Digital Object Forum, is on the Advisory Board for the Helmholtz Federated IT Services (HIFIS), and served on the National Academies of Sciences’ U.S. National Committee for the Committee on Data.

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