Affiliation: University of California San Diego
Conference theme:
Dimensions of Data-centric AI: FAIR and Machine Learning, AI Reproducibility, and AI Readiness.
Affiliation: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS
Reproducibility in Computational Experiments
Affiliation: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Human-Robot Physical Interaction Systems: Mathematical Modeling and Control
Affiliation: Universidade de Campinas UNICAMP
Resource Allocation in the Computing Continuum
Affiliation: UHV Technologies, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
Machine learning models in autonomous driving: From theory to practice
Affiliation: Universidad de Guayaquil
UX Adaptation and Evolution to Changing Market Needs: An Analysis of Current Trends
Affiliation: Senior Software Engineer - Machine Learning, Google.
Enhancing Digital Advertising: Domain Adaptation Techniques for Partner Cold-Start Challenges
Organized by: